Peri to Post Menopause
Do you feel as though your body is letting you down? Have you been wondering if you are going crazy? Are you ready to resume control of your body?
Feeling comfortable in your skin again, and loving this period of your life…
Being in control of your moods and feeling energised again…
Relief from those uncomfortable symptoms…
But, you can expect to live at least a third of your life post-menopause, so isn’t it time you took action now, so the years ahead can be your best yet and your transition to ‘Wise Woman’ is not looked upon as a negative experience.
At Sage & Ginger, we help women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond master their menopause symptoms. From peri to post menopause, we provide strategies to reduce your hot flushes, anxiety, sleep issues, pain and fatigue as well as weight gain and a myriad of other symptoms that occur at this stage in a woman’s life.
Hi and welcome to Sage & Ginger Natural Health, I’m Wendy Milligan – Naturopath, Metabolic Balance practitioner and certified Naturopathic Emotional Release Practitioner and I am so glad you have found my little corner of the internet.
After struggling for years with ill health, I received the diagnosis of breast cancer every woman fears. Faced with the fight of my life and thrust into early menopause, I was forced to re-evaluate. I chose to begin a journey into natural health and reclaim my own wellbeing.
My role is to support you on your journey to good health and happiness from peri to post menopause, by providing strategies and the correct nutrition to balance your hormones and support your body, so you can feel like your old self again, wherever you are on your peri to post menopause path.

Hi and welcome to Sage & Ginger Natural Health, I’m Wendy Milligan – Naturopath. A Metabolic Balance practitioner and a certified Naturopathic Emotional Release Practitioner and I am so glad you have found my little corner of the internet.
After struggling for years with ill health, I received the diagnosis of breast cancer every woman fears. Faced with the fight of my life and thrust into early menopause, I was forced to re-evaluate. I chose to begin a journey into natural health and reclaim my own wellbeing.
As a qualified Naturopath and Metabolic Balance practitioner, and founder of Sage & Ginger Natural Health, my role is to support you on your journey to good health and happiness by balancing your hormones. I’m here to share with you how you can feel like your old self again, wherever you are on your menopause path.
The Sage & Ginger Way
My mission at Sage & Ginger Natural Health is to empower women like you, faced with the challenges of perimenopause and menopause to optimise their health and wellbeing through personalised nutrition and herbal medicine.
The Sage & Ginger programs provide support and strategies that help you achieve your desired transformation. Whether you are struggling with hormone imbalances or wanting to lose weight, I want to support you to become your best self. Let me guide and assist you to optimise your health and wellbeing today.
discover your state of health today
Take the test!

What’s stopping you from feeling energised, losing weight and reaching your health goals? It’s probably due to a few imbalances that need support. Answer a few questions and you’ll get a picture of how your hormones, inflammation, digestion, stress, immunity and liver function are impacting your health.

Stop waiting for the right time to get on top of your health and wellbeing. Now is the time to address those annoying menopause symptoms.
Our 5 Step process has been designed so you can confidently master your menopause symptoms in a healthy way.
With a focus on nutrition, lifestyle and mindset, we gently guide you through each step utilising herbs and nutritional supplementation when necessary.
Take control of your future and start your journey to balanced hormones, so you can feel like you did in your 20’s & 30’s. Let’s start together today.
Trust me, your body and mind will thank you.
Programs & Services
Reclaim You!
The empowered woman’s ultimate pathway through menopause. A three-month journey back to you! Here we correct your nutrition, balance your hormones and manage your stress, inflammation & more.
Menopause Magic Mini Program
A 4-Week Program to Master Your Menopause Symptoms with a nutrition and lifestyle focus.
Naturopathic Consults
A comprehensive, holistic approach to assess your health. All services are offered via secure Zoom appointments or in our clinic in the beautiful Brisbane bayside suburb of Manly.
S & G Natural Health Blogs
Naturopath Wendy Milligan talks about healing after breast cancer naturally.
Surviving breast cancer gives you a new perspective on life and how you choose to live it. For Sage & Ginger founder, Wendy Milligan, her journey highlighted how important it was to support the body and mind to heal and restore after treatment to move forward and...
Can Nutrition Lower the Risk of Recurrence in Breast Cancer?
How you nourish your body with food may improve your risk of your breast cancer returning and optimise your overall well being. But going deeper than the standard dietary recommendations on a “life after breast cancer” brochure may prove invaluable. The Australian...
What is personalised nutrition and how can it help with weight loss?
Personalised nutrition takes the guesswork out of eating. Instead of adopting a generalised diet, such as the ketogenic diet, personalised nutrition uses your data to provide specific dietary advice for your body and its needs. Personalised nutrition for weight loss...

Holistic Healthcare
I empower you to use “Food as Medicine” and develop an understanding of how to nourish your whole body, including mind and spirit.